The magazine of the art-form of the photo-essay “A free, really high quality photo-essay magazine.  Fabulous!” Stephen Fry. British actor, writer and film & documentary maker
Dec 2015 back issue
Country Limit
by Ronan Guillou
Produced between 2011 and 2013, the Country Limit series covers a broad geographical zone that extends from the vast plains to the outskirts of American cities in several States. The title refers to the «City Limit» sign that marks the entrance into American urban areas. With a combination of social description and topographical observation, Ronan Guillou presents photographs of Americans in the rural world and of landscapes that are marked by human activity. Exploring the relationship between man and territory, the overall body of work recounts the fragility of a certain America: fragile human existence and fragile nature, together under pressure from the ceaseless demands of contemporary society. Within this narrative are references to the myth of the majestic landscapes and the pioneer era, allusions to nostalgia for yesterday’s adventures and a bygone era.
Trailer Sisters, Alabama.
Willy Jean, Mississippi.
Zenith, Colorado.
Chris, Texas.
Christina, Colorado.
Country Limit, New Mexico.
Crisis Unit, Colorado.
Intruder, Wyoming.
Larimer County, Colorado.
Lawrence by the Canadian River, Texas.
On The Edge, Nevada.
Plains Market, Colorado.
Red Rooster, Alabama.
Runnels County, Texas.
Songs To Warm The Heart, Mississippi.
Junk Valley, Wyoming.
Apportioned, Mississippi.
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