The magazine of the photo-essay
December 2016 issue
Children: Behind the Lens Capturing the Essence of Childhood
by Martin Elkort
A free, really high quality photo-essay magazine.  Fabulous! Stephen Fry. British actor, writer and film & documentary maker
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In the 1940s and 1950s, Martin Elkort roamed the streets of New York City with his camera in search of the perfect picture. His indelible images of simpler times remind us that the human experience can be a joyous one. Elkort was particularly drawn to the raw innocence of the children inhabiting the streets of New York, and later his current home, Los Angeles. Poignant and insightful, his photographs capture their curiosity and vigor as they explore the urban landscape. With an introduction by Anne Wilkes Tucker, Curator Emerita of Photography at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, this 69 page study of childhood features 62 of Elkort’s most intriguing black & white images of children punctuated with his eloquent reflections on photography and his creative process. This 9 x 9” offset print book will make a wonderful addition to any photographer’s book collection as well as anyone who enjoys experiencing the world through a child’s joyful eye.
“A beautiful photograph, like a beautiful poem, always contains a mystery, an elusive and haunting nucleus that makes us return again to probe its depths, hoping to winnow yet another insight.” – Martin Elkort
Blind Musician.
Drum Major.
Merry Go Round.
No Exit.
Parable Of Life.
Pony Cart.
Puppy Love.
Subway Mom.
Whistle Boy.
Gypsy Kids.
Brass Ring.
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