The magazine of the photo-essay
December 2016 issue
The Black Mambas South Africa
A free, really high quality photo-essay magazine.  Fabulous! Stephen Fry. British actor, writer and film & documentary maker
by Julia Gunther
My work focusses on issues related to wildlife and conservation, global healthcare and social injustice. By bringing positive stories to light through the medium of photography, I want to highlight the need for a positive approach to the some of the worlds most pressing issues. There are only 28.000 rhino’s left in the wild in Africa, 95% of which live in South Africa. The sizes of the reserves in Africa are so enormous that countries like South Africa are struggling to police them effectively. In part thanks to the vast increase of demand from Asia, the poaching of rhinos has risen with a staggering 9,300% in the last 10 years. But the poachers don’t just poach rhinos. More than 35,000 elephants and thousands of lions, kudu and impala are killed  every year for their ivory, for bush meat, or to be used in the ‘traditional’ medicine trade in Asia. The Black Mambas are trained in anti-poaching and survival skills by a variety of professionals. The women are taught to identify and track humans and animals, how to blend in with their surroundings and how to avoid confrontations. Their training is crucial as the animals they track are wild, and poachers shoot to kill. The Black Mambas also teach the local communities that surround the park, communities in which they themselves live, about the value of their natural heritage. These images, at once, look at a new approach to anti-poaching and at the same time, capture the pride with which the Black Mambas patrol the nature reserve for which they are responsible. Shot during the Black Mambas’ daily patrols, the pictures show the Black Mambas exactly as they are, unarmed and unafraid: proud defenders of their nation’s natural heritage.
The Black Mambas on patrol, Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
Black Mambas Felicia and Joy, Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
Black Mamba Leitah, Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
Black Mamba Lukie, Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
Black Mambas Mirren, Winnie, Belinda & Dedeya, Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
Impala Horn, Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
Back at base. The Black Mambas are ready for briefing outside control room. Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
Camera Traps. Felicia & Joy checking and reloading cameras in the reserve. Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
The Fence. Patrolling the fence, looking for animal tracks or early signs of poachers. Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
Snares at Waterhole. Proud & Yenzekile find and disable a snare laid by bush meat poachers. Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
Daily Encounter. A young Kudu is found dead. Yenzekile reports its location and situation of events to the control room. Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
Hill Top. Nkateko is scanning the reserve from a highpoint. Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
The Black Mambas returning to Base Camp. Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
Visual Policing. Felicia, armed with Spotlight on the look out for poachers. Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
Full Moon Patrol. The Black Mambas wait at an observation point looking for any suspicious activity. Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa, 2015.
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