The magazine of the photo-essay
Feb 2017 back issue
by Frank Kunert
“A free, really high quality photo-essay magazine.  Fabulous!” Stephen Fry. British actor, writer and film & documentary maker
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The bizarre scenes of Wunderland relay stories from the depths of life. Model builder and photographer Frank Kunert uses miniature constructions for his reflections of our fears and needs, but also of our desires. Architecture is the expression of our culture, our past, our present and our future. The inner worlds of buildings were and invariably are reflections of social zeitgeist and contain much of what goes on inside and around us. Kunert’s photographs bring home the absurdity of everyday: the grotesque attempts to organize our lives, the way we deal with one another and with our history. Melancholy and a warped sense of humour are closely related in these small worlds. This series of the photographs of miniature models was taken in the studio with an analogue large-format camera.
Private Function (Geschlossene Gesellschaft).
Small Paradise (Kleinod).
Live Broadcast (Live-Übertragung).
Office Nap (Büroschlaf).
Menu à deux.
Upstairs Toilet (WC im OG).
The Dream of Fortune (Der Traum vom Glück).
Hibernation (Winterschlaf).
Eternal Love (Ewige Liebe).
A Childhood Dream (Ein Kindheitstraum).
Life Goes On (Das Leben geht weiter).
Flying High (Hoch hinaus).
Under the Bridge (Unter der Brücke).
One Bedroom Apartment (Ein-Zimmer-Apartment).
Dream Trip (Traumreise).
Frank in his studio.
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