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. . When your faith is very important to you, you pray hard. Healing prayers, passionate faith healing. Talking to God. Faith healing, Sunday best shirt. Devotion. Being in the moment. Passing the time. Dancers working with their long suffering pet snake. The snake was very upset at being drawn out of its keepers pants and asked for a pay rise and a new contract following the show. Food preparation in the Congo takes a very long time compared with Western techniques and is arduous and labour intensive. Friends guarding their bridge. Armed police. Egg salesmen. Roast monkey for sale. The Jungle is your larder and when you are hungry in rural Congo you go out and catch lunch. Open air barbor shop. Pig travelling to market alive and wrapped in leaves for added freshness. Albino Congolese boy with his younger brother. Coming home. Fresh and dangerously alive crocodile for sale at market. Boys doing what came naturally to them when photographed. Fast food. Back from market, tired and ready for lunch. Congo Into the Wild (part II) by Damian Bird