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The magazine of the art-form of the photo-essay “A free, really high quality photo-essay magazine.  Fabulous!” Stephen Fry. British actor, writer and film & documentary maker
Nov 2014 back issue
Betina La Plante The Great Master of the Portrait
Self, Los Angeles, 2011.
Ella, London, 2014.
Luchi, Buenos Aires, 2014.
Andrew Y. Mackay, London 2010.
Polito Ulloa, Buenos Aires, 2014.
Anna, London 2010.
Anna, London 2010.
Self, Ojai, 2012.
Brett Walker, London 2012.
Brett Walker, London 2012.
Brett Walker, London, 2013.
Bess, London 2013.
Carolyn Murphy, Ojai, 2010.
Ricardo Cinalli, London, 2013.
Brett Walker, London, 2013.
Christopher Stamp with brother Terence, New York, 2009.
Cory, Ojai, 2011.
Roberto Conti, Rome, 2013.
Star, London, 2013.
Nickolas Grace, London, 2009.
Mackenzie, Portland, 2013.
Tess, Ojai, 2012.
Terence Stamp, Ojai, 2009.
Clorindo Testa, Buenos Aires, 2013.
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Jone, London, 2013.
Lily, London, 2010.
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