The magazine of the photo-essay
April 2020 issue
Of Lions and LambsBlackpool
“A free, really high quality photo-essay magazine. Fabulous!” Stephen Fry. British actor, writer and film maker
by Benita Suchodrev
The tourist season is over, the promenade is empty and Brexit is at the door when Benita Suchodrev returns to the British coastal town of Blackpool to photograph the hidden reality behind the famous Amusement Mile. She leads us to local churches, soup kitchens, youth shelters, old age homes and impoverished neighborhoods, meets bizarre characters, underage mothers, drug- addicts, artists, and hermits. She photographs strangers on train platforms, homeless in torn rags feasting on ham sandwiches and coffee under a dark overpass, closed storefronts and deserted alleys on a rainy night. Poetic, rough and authentic, Of Lions and Lambs is a sequel to Suchodrev’s successful debut 48 Hours Blackpool (Kehrer Verlag 2018), the sequel to a story that begins where illusions end.
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