The magazine of the photo-essay
Oct back 2016 issue
The Last Vintage American Car
by Monia Lippi
A free, really high quality photo-essay magazine.  Fabulous! Stephen Fry. British actor, writer and film & documentary maker
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The Last Vintage American Car is a long series of the last “Jewels” photographed in different environments, landscapes and States. Sometimes, their presence is in contrast with something modern or industrial, sometimes they are found surrounded by graffiti or just abandoned in nature. Today we see them running around less and less and those who have chosen to restore them often modify them in unusal or creatiive ways. The ‘Car’ is an interesting symbol of our times and an icon from the beginning of the industrial era which continues to evolve. The old car models and styles have a character, personality and beauty, that their their modern, mass-produced, throw-away counter-parts don’t have.  Today a beautiful old Cadillac abandoned in a field, seems like an archeological artifact.
Will and Stacey with their Cadillac. Kingston, New York, 2011.
The Mel Cooper's Garage. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 2009.
The Harrod Blank's Art Car World Museum. Douglas, Arizona, 2015.
Johnny and his Mercury Park Lane. Arizona, 2015.
The Ford's Shell Gas Station. Bisbee, Arizona, 2015.
The Sanded Caddilac's Lowell Building . Bisbee, Arizona, 2015.
The Caddilac Kopiera's Indian Shop. Bisbee, Arizona, 2011.
The Rusty Car's Hat Shop. Besbee, Arizona, 2015.
The Blue Dodge Convertible's Corner. Miami, Florida, 2009.
The Iguana Dodge's Street. New Mexico, 2009.
The Pink Wedding Wahooptie's Garden, Charlottesville. Virginia, 2012.
The Rusty Cadillac's Field. Texas, 2010.
The White Cadillac's Fields. Texas, 2010.
The Black Cadillac's Parking. Kingstone, New York, 2010.
The Persian-Sand Cadillac's Corner. Oklahoma City, 2009.
The Blue Car's Corner. Brooklyn, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York, 2008.
The New York Crysler's Corner, BushwicK, Brooklyn, New York, 2009.
The Pink Car's Street, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York, 2006.
The Ice-Hearted Corner. Brooklyn, New York, 2006.
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